
Last updated: 02/22/2024

You can manage your organization's devices from Inventory | Assets/Devices

Adding Assets

Assets can be added by:

  • Creating them manually
  • Using a PowerShell or Mac script on your network
  • Through the API

Asset Screen

On the Assets/Devices tab you can click or tap the "Add" button to manually create an asset. You can also click the pencil icon next to any asset to edit it.


Assets need to have a category (Laptop, Desktop, etc). You can select from existing categories, or add a new one at any time.


Assets also need a location, this can be anything you want. Locations can be managed from Assets/Inventory | Locations


This field is also required, it can be used to store a short description of the asset, or the manufacturer.

Asset ID

This is a unique ID for the asset. It is used to look up the asset in the mobile Inventory App. If you choose to leave this field blank, a unique ID will be automatically generated. Otherwise you can enter your own ID, for example, if you are using an existing asset tag system.

IP Address

If you use one of the network scripts  (see below) to automatically add devices, the IP will be filled in automatically.

When a user creates a new ticket, the IP they are creating the ticket from will be used to find a matching IP in the assets. If one is found, the computer (asset) details will be shown in the ticket below the submitter name

Linked Purchase Order

If this asset came from an existing purchase order, you can find it and link it here. Typically you would have already created the PO before adding the asset. After the PO is linked, you can open the PO details directly from this screen as well.

Model, Memory, and Processor

These are all optional fields for tracking or reporting purposes

Computer Name

This field is optional, but is also used by the PowerShell or Mac scripts. If the network scripts find an existing asset with the same computer name, it will instead update that asset's details, if not, it will create a new asset.

The computer name also needs to be unique. No two assets can have the same computer name.

Network Scripts (PowerShell, Mac)

Under Inventory | Setup/Settings you can find the Network script downloads, along with suggestions on how to use them

The PowerShell script is typically set up to run automatically when a user logs on to a Windows device. This can be done in any number of ways, but a common setup uses Group Policy.

With either script, you need to first go to Settings | Developer and generate an API key. You'll then add that key to the script file in the appropriate spot. The scripts use the Asset API to add the details of the computer it's ran on.

Asset API

The asset API is also available to use. You can read, add, and edit assets using the API as long as you set up an API key. The documentation for the Asset API (and others) is under Settings | Developer