Ticket Statuses

Last updated: 02/10/2024

You can create custom statuses in addition to the system-required statuses from Settings | Statueses. The system statuses can not be changed as they are used for ticket automation.

System Statuses

  • Closed - Used to determine if a ticket is complete. This status is set automatically if department auto-close is enabled and the user has not responded in the set amount of days
  • End User Responded - This status is set automatically every time the ticket submitter responds to a ticket, either throught the ticket system, or an email reply.
  • New - This is the initial status of all newly created tickets
  • Waiting On Customer - This status is set automatically when an owner of a ticket responds
  • Waiting Overdue - This status is set automatically if department auto-reminder is enabled and the user has not responded in the set amount of days

Custom Statuses

You can use the Add button on top of the status page to create your own statuses. At any point you can also edit, or remove your custom statuses.