My Profile

Last updated: 02/10/2024

You can use the My Profile page to manage your account. Different options may be available depending on your organization's settings

My Information

The my information section shows your email, name, and current theme. 

Your email and name will only be editable if your organization is NOT using the SAML authentication option. If SAML is enabled, then the values come from the SAML identity provider when you login.

Also, your organization has the option to sync users with an external service. If this is enabled, your email and name will be read-only, and will update every night when the source data is synced.


You can choose a different site theme IF your organization has allowed users to pick their own theme. Otherwise the theme will be the chosen theme for the organization, and can not be changed.

When you save your profile, the page will reload in order to show the new theme.

Change Password

The option to change your password will only be available if your organization is NOT using a SAML authentication method. If SAML is enabled, passwords are instead handled by your organization's identity provider.