The Tickets screen displays a list of all tickets available to you, with filtering options on top.
Filtering Options
Only Show
You can choose to only see your tickets (default) in addition to all tickets or unassigned tickets. In order to see more than just your tickets, you need to be given permission to one or more departments in the system.
Normal users who aren't expected to receive and process tickets will only ever have the option to view the tickets they put in.
You can filter tickets by status, with the default filter being "Not Closed". To view previously closed tickets you can pick "All" or "Closed" from the dropdown instead.
The department list will only list departments you have permissions to view. Normal users will only have the option to se "All Available" which again only shows tickets they put in, regardless of the department it is in.
Per Page
Here you can change how many results are shown per page.
Ticket List
Tickets shown in the list display the following information.
- Status
- Ticket title
- Department - Category
- Who submitted it
- Who it is assigned to
- Date/time it was created
- Ticket number
- Priority
Clicking on a line item will open the ticket