Merging Tickets

Last updated: 02/11/2024

If you are a ticket owner, or admin, you will have the ability to merge tickets. A new section will be available at the bottom of the ticket screen

When you merge a ticket, any changes to the status or comments of the "parent" ticket will also get applied to any child tickets. The conversation history will also show that the changes are due to a parent ticket being updated.

To merge a ticket into another ticket, search for the ticket number in the box. If a matching ticket is found, click or tap it in the search results.

The parent ticket will show up along with a link to open the parent ticket (link icon), or un-merge it (X icon)

Looking at the parent ticket screen, the Ticket Merging section now shows the child ticket(s) with the same actions available.

In addition, both tickets get a new comment that they were merged