The Ticket Screen

Last updated: 02/13/2024

The ticket screen will be the most used page in your help desk. Many areas change, hide, or show based on who's viewing it, the category chosen, the status, and more.

The top bar shows the ticket number (or New Ticket if new) plus the save and cancel buttons. Save & Close will save the ticket, and return you to the ticket search screen. Apply Changes will save the ticket, and keep you on the ticket screen. Cancel will not save any changes you've done, and return you to the ticket search screen.

Ticket Description/Reply Area

  • Brief description - This is the short version of the users problem, given when the ticket was created
  • Reply to Ticket - If you're viewing an existing ticket, this is where you can reply to it it. For new tickets, this area is used to provide a longer description of the issue.
  • Upload attachments - Use this area to add files that'll assist the user or the ticket owner. Attachments will show up in the conversation window. You can also choose to paste images directly into the reply box, instead of adding them as attachments. 

NOTE: Any attachments count towards the storage limit of your subscription


This view shows the back and forth replies between the submitter and owner(s). Replies/attachments/changes from the submitter are shown on the left, and replies /attachments/changes from any owner are on the left.

Any automatic updates to the ticket are also shown here

Additional Questions

If the chosen category has any custom questions assigned to it, they will be shown here, if not, this section will hidden.

Questions that are required will have an asterisk (*) next to the question.

Questions can be in the form of a text box, drop down, multi-select, date, and/or date/time.

If someone changes the category, and that new category has additional questions, you will be required to answer those questions as well before saving. Any previously answered questions will always be visible

Questions can not be changed after they are answered the first time. They will always be read-only afterwards.

Ticket Details

  • Department - Chosen when the ticket is created, can be changed if the ticket is not closed. If a new department is chosen, a new category will also have to be chosen.
  • Category - Chosen when the ticket is created, can be changed if the ticket is not closed. If the category is changed, additional questions may need to be answered.
  • Status - The status can be changed by any user, it is also changed automatically under certain conditions
  • Submitted For - Only available if "Allow users to submit tickets for someone else" is enabled under Settings | General. Here you can search for other users and submit the ticket on behalf of them.
  • Submitted By - The user that created the ticket, can not be changed.
  • Submitter Details - The details of the submitter. Includes their computer info IF a matching asset is found. Matching is done by IP
  • Ticket Owners - See Ticket Owners
  • Impact - Optional - tracks how big the issue is
  • Priority - Optional - tracks how important the issue is

Ticket Merging

See Ticket Merging