Ticket Owners

Last updated: 02/11/2024

Ticket owners are the people assigned to handle the ticket. A ticket can have multiple owners or no owners and be "Unassigned"

Ticket Screen

From the ticket screen, you can add/remove owners in the ticket details section

Click or tap the plus icon to add more owners, or the X icon next to an owner to remove them. When you click the plus icon, you are shown the list of available owners for the chosen category. In order for someone to show up in the list, they need to have Edit Permissions to the ticket's category. If someone doesn't have permission to a dept. they won't be able to view/edit the ticket, and therefore won't be able to handle the ticket.

All ticket owners will get:

  • Emailed when a new ticket is created
  • Emailed when there's a new reply to the ticket

Category Settings

You can set categories to  optionally have default owners. This is done on the edit category screen. Again, if someone doesn't have edit permissions to that category, they won't be available to pick as a default owner.