User Sync

Last updated: 02/13/2024

The user sync button on top of the User screen will bring up options for automatically bringing in, and syncing users with your system.

User/Sync Settings

If you have a Microsoft AD server (remotely available), or use Microsoft 365 or Azure/Entra, you can use one of these services to sync users.

Each method, if enabled, will have the option to choose the frequency of the sync, and the ability to view the sync log for debugging purposes

Microsoft Active Directory (Remote)

This method will connect to your AD server (requires that it's accessible through the internet)

You'll need to provide your AD server URL, the Base DN, and the user and password to "Bind" with.

Also, you have the option to only find users in certain OUs by adding OUs to the "OUs to Include" section. By default, it will find ALL users in the Base DN if no OUs are listed.

Once you have saved the information, you'll have access to the  Run Sync Now, button and the ability to do a dry run and see the potential impact before committing.

Microsoft Graph API

You can also sync users using the Microsoft Graph API which is available to most Azure and 365 users. Click the drop down for the instrcutions on that section to see a more details explination on how to set it up