Developer Settings

Last updated: 02/13/2024

The TicketSlate API key and API documentation can be found under Settings | Developers


In order to use the TicketSlate API, you need to generate an API key. Once generated, you will not be able to see the value again, so make sure that copy the key and store it securely. Please treat API keys like an admin password. The API is capable of altering your users, viewing all your tickets, and more.

At any point you can always re-generate the API key. But this will cause the previous key to stop working.

API Documentation

Click the API Documentation section to expand it. This section shows you how to use your API key to retrieve an access token, and how to use your access token to access all the available API endpoints.

Usage of the API requires prior knowledge of REST APIs and the environment in which you wish to use it in.

API Access History

This section will show you the most recent 100 requests to your API endpoints