Purchase Orders

Last updated: 02/13/2024

The purchase order screen is where you can track all your POs from Vendors. The Purchase Order screen lets you view, add, edit, and remove purchase orders at any time.

Purchase Order List

If you are linking purchase orders to assets, you can click the icon with the 3 lines to view a list of all assets that were associated with that PO.

Purchase Order Screen

On the purchase order screen, a category, name, purchase date, and vendor is required.

New categories can be added directly from this screen by choosing --Create New-- from the drop down list. Once a category is created, it will be available to choose for any future POs as well.


Similar to Contracts/Licenses, you can also search for and add vendors towards the bottom. When searching, if you do not find the vendor you want, you'll be given the option to add a new vendor.


You can attach files, such as invoices, screenshots, or other documents here as well. Be aware that attachments here do count towards you subscription storage limit.